Are you a people pleaser?

Are you a people pleaser?

People Pleaser: Know When to Draw the Line! 

Today, I want to share a personal journey and a valuable lesson I’ve learned along the way. It all revolves around a concept we’re all familiar with: the urge to please others.

Lisa Nichols has been my guiding light in the world of self-improvement and storytelling, and she recently shared a profound message that hit home. It’s about the importance of keeping our own cups full before pouring into others.

Oprah Winfrey once wisely said that we should overflow with abundance, sharing what spills over from our cups while safeguarding what’s inside to sustain ourselves.

Now, you might be nodding your head in agreement, thinking, “I totally get it intellectually.” But here’s the real challenge: how often do we find ourselves giving, pouring, and saying “yes” to others when our own cup is far from full? I’ve been there, too.

Two years ago, I embarked on a journey of daily motivation through my Instagram stories. It started during the tough times of 2020, where I knew I could help people feel good about themselves from the comfort of their homes. However, as the world began to recover from the pandemic, I kept going, out of habit and a genuine desire to uplift others.

But here’s the twist: I started feeling drained. I was pouring my energy into these stories for free, day after day, and it began taking a toll on me. The breaking point came when I was approached to deliver a talk, and I had to decline because I wasn’t in the right mindset or energy level. My brand is delivering top-quality talks, and I couldn’t compromise on that.

So, I decided to draw the line. I introduced an Instagram subscription channel for £1.99, offering daily motivation. The result? Not a single person subscribed at first. It was a wake-up call. I had thousands of viewers on my stories, but it made me realize that some people will gladly take things for free and never consider paying for them.

This experience led me to a crucial realization: It’s okay to say “no” when people cross the line or take advantage of your desire to please. I left the subscription option there, and over time, more people began to subscribe. The percentage of paying subscribers didn’t match the percentage of viewers I used to have, but something profound changed within me.


I stopped feeling guilty for withholding my motivation. Instead, I felt empowered. I had more energy to channel into my business, seek speaking opportunities, and the benefits multiplied. By setting boundaries and knowing when to say “enough,” I’ve become a better version of myself.

So, remember this: Being a people pleaser is a noble trait, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your own well-being. Know when to draw the line, set boundaries, and don’t be afraid to value your energy and time. It’s a journey towards self-empowerment, and the rewards are well worth it.

Thank you, Lisa Nichols, for inspiring this transformation. And to all of you out there, don’t be afraid to reclaim your energy and prioritise self-care. You’ve got this!

Today, I want to share a personal journey and a valuable lesson I’ve learned along the way. It all revolves around a concept we’re all familiar with: the urge to please others.

Lisa Nichols has been my guiding light in the world of self-improvement and storytelling, and she recently shared a profound message that hit home. It’s about the importance of keeping our own cups full before pouring into others.

Oprah Winfrey once wisely said that we should overflow with abundance, sharing what spills over from our cups while safeguarding what’s inside to sustain ourselves.

Now, you might be nodding your head in agreement, thinking, “I totally get it intellectually.” But here’s the real challenge: how often do we find ourselves giving, pouring, and saying “yes” to others when our own cup is far from full? I’ve been there, too.

Two years ago, I embarked on a journey of daily motivation through my Instagram stories. It started during the tough times of 2020, where I knew I could help people feel good about themselves from the comfort of their homes. However, as the world began to recover from the pandemic, I kept going, out of habit and a genuine desire to uplift others.


But here’s the twist: I started feeling drained. I was pouring my energy into these stories for free, day after day, and it began taking a toll on me. The breaking point came when I was approached to deliver a talk, and I had to decline because I wasn’t in the right mindset or energy level. My brand is delivering top-quality talks, and I couldn’t compromise on that.


So, I decided to draw the line. I introduced an Instagram subscription channel for £1.99, offering daily motivation. The result? Not a single person subscribed at first. It was a wake-up call. I had thousands of viewers on my stories, but it made me realize that some people will gladly take things for free and never consider paying for them.

This experience led me to a crucial realization: It’s okay to say “no” when people cross the line or take advantage of your desire to please. I left the subscription option there, and over time, more people began to subscribe. The percentage of paying subscribers didn’t match the percentage of viewers I used to have, but something profound changed within me.

I stopped feeling guilty for withholding my motivation. Instead, I felt empowered. I had more energy to channel into my business, seek speaking opportunities, and the benefits multiplied. By setting boundaries and knowing when to say “enough,” I’ve become a better version of myself.

So, remember this: Being a people pleaser is a noble trait, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your own well-being. Know when to draw the line, set boundaries, and don’t be afraid to value your energy and time. It’s a journey towards self-empowerment, and the rewards are well worth it.

Thank you, Lisa Nichols, for inspiring this transformation. And to all of you out there, don’t be afraid to reclaim your energy and prioritize self-care. You’ve got this!

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