From Dance Floors to Boardrooms: How Friendship and Passion for Dance Shaped Successful Entrepreneurs.

From Dance Floors to Boardrooms: How Friendship and Passion for Dance Shaped Successful Entrepreneurs.

The power of friendship! Let me tell you a tale about my dear friend Gemma. We first met back in our tweens at dance school. Those were the days of leotards, funky moves, and plenty of laughter.


We trained together, survived summer holiday sleepovers, and spent countless hours in each other's company. But as fate would have it, when it was time for us to shuffle off to dance college, we went our separate ways. I ended up at Urdang Academy, while Gemma ventured to Italia Conti, both in London, far from our hometowns.


And just like that, we lost contact. Life got busy, and we drifted apart. But thanks to the wonders of social media, 24 years later, we found each other on Instagram. We decided to meet up, and guess what? We clicked instantly, as if no time had passed at all.


That's the magic of friendship nurtured by a shared passion. Now, both of us run our own businesses, and we firmly believe that our dance training played a pivotal role in shaping who we are today. You see, dancing taught us resilience, work ethic, and the art of handling rejection and failures. We became experts in competition, both on and off the dance floor.


Ballet and discipline became our partners in crime. We strutted our stuff on stages, posed in front of cameras, and it all infused us with an unstoppable self-confidence and an unwavering determination to succeed.


But here's the funny part: as we were chatting, I realised that Gemma and I share a special kind of drive. It's the kind that keeps you going even when you're completely puffed out. You know, the stamina that says, "Keep moving, my friend, no matter what!"


So, here's a little secret I want to share: If you can find that one thing as a child that you're good at, hold onto it. Let it be your guiding star, your source of focus and joy. Whether it's dancing, painting, or telling corny jokes, embrace it with all your heart.


Because in the end, it's those childhood passions and friendships that keep us young at heart, remind us to never take life too seriously, and ensure that laughter will always be part of the journey.


Cheers to the power of friendship, shared passions, and the dance moves that keep us grooving through life!

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