What a week!
Everything just clicked!
I am the happiest I’ve ever been!
All my life I have focused on growth, Personal Development, Goals, self mastery, many would say I’m an over achiever.
I am not afraid of hard work and failure is not something I fear. I don’t live with imposter syndrome, I don’t live with anxiety.
I live with self awareness. I know myself, I’ve studied myself my entire life.
“I am the boss of my mind I am the master of my fate.”
These are all phrases, affirmations I say and have replayed in my mind for years.
This year I let go and let God completely into my life. What a revelation it has been for me.
I feel free, I feel safe, I feel ready to move to the next chapter of my life.
First step was to get right with God!
Marry the man who I’ve loved for 19 years. Marry the father to my children.
Now we are ready to truly LEVEL UP!
I can’t wait to see where the next 19 years takes us!